Open games and leagues are available throughout the year.

To see when the gym is available for a variety of open games,
click here for our gym schedules
click here to download our free mobile app.
Follow our Men’s Basketball League on Facebook, click here.
Or contact Kevin Dorelus for more information: 845-956-1512 or Email.
Pickleball is a paddleball sport, similar to a racquet sport, that combines elements of badminton, table tennis, and tennis.
Two or four players use solid paddles made of wood or composite materials to hit a perforated polymer ball, much like a wiffle ball, with 26-40 round holes, over a net.
For Pickleball schedule:
click here for our gym schedules
click here to download our free mobile app.
To participate:
Participants must be 13 & older and have an active Adult or Family Membership to participate.
Bring your own paddle and ball.
Reservations are NOT required at this time.
Games limited to 45 minutes.
Bring plenty of water.
For Adult Volleyball schedule:
click here for our gym schedules
click here to download our free mobile app.
Check back for information on upcoming adult volleyball leagues.